These are the campaigns that we supported.
They were highlighted because they give an overview of what issues riders are facing out there and most importantly of how these issues may affect motorcycling in Northern Ireland.
We also monitored motorcycle issues and involved at Government Departmental level and lobbying in the background, setting the ground work, for the future.
27th September 2013
In June, Ards Borough Council conducted an “Illegal Motorcycling Operation”, at the Lead Mines in Newtownards, in a clampdown on illegal motorcycling at the local beauty spot.
The decision to apply a blanket since then, appears not to have taken the opinion of motorcyclists on board.
That opinion now has a voice, with the setting up of an action group by those who use the Lead Mines in a responsible manner.
At Right To Ride we are quite happy to report and support the aims of the action group.
Updated 31st August 2013 – See comments in article – DfT Consultation – Closes 27th September 2013
In addition to this the campaign is lobbying that all fuel pumps should be clearly labelled with the bio-ethanol content of the fuel, giving the consumer a clear and informed choice.
Specific guidance and recommendations should also be made widely available, as the majority of owners are unaware of these potential issues with their older vehicles.
On Going Campaign – Still Carrying on!
Right to Ride is backing the “No To The Bike Parking Tax” campaign.
The campaign is a non-political action group representing motorcyclists and scooterists who object to illegitimate introduction of parking levies by Westminster City Council and any other authorities.
Updated 20th November 2012 – MANX GP Saved!
I can assure you that the Manx Grand Prix is alive, well and flourishing.
The entire 90th Anniversary 2013 event will be organised and run by the Manx Motor Cycle Club and will feature races for both modern and classic machines, with the Dept of Economic Development promoting both elements.
Practice will start for all machines on 17th August 2013.
Harvey [Garton] Chairman MMCC
24th February 2011 – Great campaign but not carried forward!
Local members of the motorcycle fraternity have been spurred into public action after the opening of the £45million A2 Maydown to City of Derry Airport dualling scheme, which includes the extensive fitment of wire rope barriers.
They have formed into an organized group called, A2 Bikers against Rope Barriers – (BARB)
The group has unanimously agreed that a wrong and lethal decision has now been made by Roads Service, supposedly on our behalf, resulting in a 100% rejection by bikers, of this type of Vehicle Restraint System chosen for this stretch of road.
16th March 2010 – Appears to have been a sucessful campaign!
Just as Right To Ride got involved in publicising the “Cancellation of Reciprocal Health Agreement”, we received news that the Reciprocal Health Agreement will remain in place for a further six months.
Cancellation of the agreement would have meant that all medical service fees apart from A & E, would have had to met by any person visiting the Isle of Man and this would have meant taking out travel insurance.