Adieu! – Life Changes!

alps-2006-250 As some as you already know we at Right To Ride, have made a life changing decision, which is to “retire” from riders’ rights, close down Right To Ride and head to a warmer climate.

That warmer climate for now is situated in France in Aquitaine close by the Dordogne River in a small “bastide” town.

This will be our last posting, apart from tidying up a consultation response for proposals to make trike riders and their passengers required to wear a helmet on a public road and to report on good news about the PSNI charging for charity events, dispelling any myths or misunderstandings.

We –Trevor and Elaine – would like to thank all those individual riders, clubs, groups and businesses who have supported us and helped us in our endeavours since 2009 to, “officially” – promote awareness and understanding of training, environmental road safety and security issues relating to the use of those vehicles classed in law as motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, motorcycle combinations and tricycles and to research and investigate solutions to these topics.

In other words the promotion and protection of that collective lump of metal, rubber and plastic that we could not live without – the motorcycle – in all its formats and derivatives and all that it means as part of our way of life.

Our thanks also to individual politicians, government agencies and other rider organisation representatives, here, across Europe and other places who have listened to us and taken on board what we have been saying about motorcycling and with this, the mutual respect that ensued.

Sometimes it has been a lot harder inside the motorcycling community and its organisations to have our views and opinions accepted and understood , on occasions we felt that we were on our own (or to use a more colloquial expression – that we were pissing in the wind!

We will maintain the Right To Ride websites as an archive with our safety initiatives – and also being archived, with specific First Aid for Riders courses – FBoS (First Bike On Scene) being offered in Northern Ireland, Southern Ireland and GB by BIKERS Training.

Our other safety initiative Biker NI (CRASH) Safety Card will be taken over by the Northern Ireland Region of the BMF (British Motorcyclists Federation.

Our thanks to Howard Anderson not only for this but for his collaboration working together with us and his mutual support on motorcycling issues.

All that is left is to say is Adieu!

If you wish to follow our future antics you can find us at:

Trevor and Elaine

Right To Ride – Pictorial History

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