No More MOT Disc

motdisc-250With the demise of the road tax disc last year the Environment (DOE) Minister Mark H Durkan has announced that from the 6th April 2015 Vehicle Test (‘MOT’) discs no longer have to be displayed on any vehicle.

Mr Durkan said: “I feel it is appropriate at this time to remove the need to display test discs on all vehicles in Northern Ireland, including goods vehicles and buses.

“A number of developments have made this possible including the introduction of Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN), provision of vehicle test reminders, and telephone and online booking.

“Testing compliance rates have also improved. In 2013 2.8% of registered vehicles did not come forward for testing. This compares to 28% in 2002. DVA enforcement officers and the PSNI are now able to confirm if a vehicle has a test from the records rather than looking for a disc displayed on a windscreen.”

Motor vehicles, goods vehicles and buses will still need to go through their respective vehicle tests but the test certificate will no longer include a vehicle test disc.

If any vehicle owners have a test disc which has not expired on this date, it can be removed from the vehicle and destroyed.

Well that is one less apendage to have to find a place to bolt onto the bike – of course you will still need an appropiate MOT in place, if your motorcycle requires one.

Links & Information

About the MOT Scheme in Northern Ireland – Click Here
Book your MOT on-line – Click Here

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