2012 Bikesafe Partnership
As the riders, teams, organisers and volunteers make final preparations ahead of the 2012 Relentless International North West 200, Police have joined forces with Coleraine Borough Council and the NW200 organisers to promote Road Safety at this year’s event.
From Tuesday 15 May through to race day on Saturday 19 May, highly trained police motorcyclists will be offering free assessed ‘ride outs’ to bikers who can either pre-book a session (www.bikesafe.co.uk), or simply turn up at the event for an appointment.
During the assessed rides, police advanced motorcyclists will assess riders and then offer professional practical advice on how to improve their riding abilities and get even more enjoyment out of their bikes.
BIKE SAFE Partnership promoting how to keep safe at this year’s Relentless International North West 200 is Mayor of Coleraine Alderman Maurice Bradley, Event Co-ordinator Mervyn Whyte MBE and Bikesafe coordinator Constable Bill Holden.
BIKE SAFE Partnership promoting how to keep safe at this year’s Relentless International North West 200 is Mayor of Coleraine Alderman Maurice Bradley, Event Co-ordinator Mervyn Whyte MBE and Bikesafe coordinator Constable Bill Holden.
Bikesafe coordinator, Constable Bill Holden explains, “Every year, road collisions claim motorcyclist’s lives. These are not simply shocking statistics. Each death or serious injury has a devastating effect on the families and friends of those involved. The sad reality is that the majority of these deaths are preventable and that’s why we are actively engaging with bikers at Bikesafe events such as the NW200.
“Our award winning campaign is aimed at all bikers ranging from the novice to the experienced. Our advanced motorcyclists give advice on the proper maintenance and handling of machines and in addition, raise safety awareness by allowing motorcyclists to draw on the experience of experts.
Police are also asking motorcyclists to take the following advice into consideration whilst out biking to help stay safe on the roads:
- In rural areas slow down and be aware of other traffic and what may lie around the next corner.
- Use all your senses to gather information on what is going on. Sometimes your eyesight is not enough, use all your senses, if you smell freshly cut grass or see traces of it on the road, react to that information and ride accordingly, don’t expect the road to clear around the next corner.
- Be aware of the condition of the road surface and look out for the dropping of fluids such as oil and diesel as well as other agricultural deposits, which can and have led to crashes involving motorcycles.
- Give other road users a chance. The majority of drivers or pedestrians have never been on a bike and has absolutely no perception of the capabilities or performance of modern machine.
- Remember a good rider does not have to prove the performance of themselves or his/her machine every time they get an audience. A good rider has nothing to prove and no need to show-off.
- Never overtake an agricultural vehicle either adjacent to or approaching an entrance or gate particularly on the right hand side of the road, because if he turns in regardless of indicators, you have nowhere to go.
- Think before you pass.
- Ensure that all lights are working and visible. Indicators and brake lights must be used to inform other following traffic of your intentions.
- Think before you turn.
- Take your Bikesafe assessment, its free and available to all riders, visit www.bikesafe.co.uk
Constable Holden concluded “There is a high level of interest in biking in Northern Ireland and the PSNI Roads Policing invests a lot of time in effort in trying to get the safety message across to motor cycle fans.
The simple message from the Police, Coleraine Borough Council and the NW200 Team is – Ride Safe, Arrive Safe.”
Backing the Bikesafe programme Mervyn Whyte MBE, NW200 event director said, “We love to see the traditional convoys of bikers making their way to the North West course throughout Race Week but we passionately urge everyone to follow the Bikesafe advice at all times – ride safe and arrive safe.
“NW200 organisers have worked closely with Bill Holden and his team for many years and have clearly seen the impact of the excellent Bikesafe campaign. We would encourage those riders who have not already undertaken the free Bikesafe assessment to go ahead and avail of the opportunity. We’re delighted to team up with both the PSNI and Coleraine Borough Council, who are backing the initiative to continually push such a vital safety message right to the top of rider agendas.”
Mayor of Coleraine, Alderman Maurice Bradley thanked the members of the local Police Service Northern Ireland for the hard work and dedication shown in promoting the ‘Bike Safe’ initiative. Mayor Bradley said, “it is vital that everyone coming to the North Coast enjoys this major event, keeps safe and travels home safely.
“Too many unnecessary incidents have occurred in the past where drivers and motorcyclists take unnecessary chances on busy roads when travelling to and from the event.
“I appeal to everyone enjoying the North West 200 this year, make this a year without incident, and celebrate what the Home of the North West 200 has to offer, Keep Safe and Bike Safe.”
Original Source: Click Here
BikeSafe – www.bikesafe.co.uk
Ride It Right Routes – Click Here
First Aid For Riders – www.firstaidforriders.org
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