In June last year we reported on the, “Mystery of EN1317-8” concerning the discussions and voting within a CEN (European Committee for Standardization) technical committee for a draft standard of a road restraint protection system for motorcycles (EN1317-8).
The committee at that time chose to opt for a Technical Specification, which seemed to cause consternation amongst some motorcyclists (based on press releases from some riders’ organisations)who believed that this decision was saying ‘no’ to a European Standard”.
In fact, rather than reject the proposed draft, the committee’s decision meant that the draft was accepted as a Technical Specification as an interim solution.
The convenor of CEN/TC 226/WG1 at that time explained that the plan was to undertake inter-laboratory testing, to ensure that the test procedures are understandable and that when identical tests are performed by different laboratories in different countries, the results obtained are the same.
The standard (part 8 of EN 1317) is intended to apply to any system which would fit onto any barrier or a specific barrier which is expected to be forgiving of motorcyclist impacts.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day”
“Rome wasn’t built in a day” is certainly an excellent saying in reference to the processes within CEN Committees and this is true with regards to the TC226/WP1 which is the group responsible for the 1317-8 standard for motorcycle friendly crash barriers.
We received notice today from a reliable source within this committee, that the result of the formal vote on TS 1317-8 (the Technical Specification for the testing of motorcyclist protection systems for road safety barriers) was positive, (27 votes for; 1 vote against).
This is where the various EU member states are consulted in order to determine whether the draft can be published. Publication will not be for several weeks / months yet due to the administrative process.
As discussed last year, the CEN working groups now need to obtain information based on the experience of using the test procedure and work on a possible upgrade to a full European standard.
Our contact was unable to give a timescale for this further work as it will depend on the experience gained and the results of further discussions on what the group should aim to do. However, it can be assumed that this work will be on-going over a period of at least two to three years.
With regards to performing inter-laboratory testing using the test procedure in order to ensure that it is suitable for use in different test houses around Europe, this was originally planned for last year and did not go ahead for various reasons. It is expected that the testing will go ahead now so this will give the group some data to work with over the coming year.
“Motorcycle Friendly Barrier”
In the UK, available to road engineers are various “Motorcycle Friendly Barrier” systems, which do not affect the “operation” of the existing crash barrier and which have passed a national standard for motorcyclist protection.
These systems usually consist of a lower rail or covering that protects the exposed posts of the barrier being stuck. Other protection involves the post itself being protected with a covering.
EN1317-8 will ensure a standard for fitting across Europe, which can be adopted by national road authorities, thus there would be no barrier to road authorities – to fitting road restraint protection systems for motorcycles.
Rome wasn’t built in a day but they got there in the end!
Mystery of EN1317-8 – June 2011 – pdf pdf 696kb – Click Here
Crash Barrier Information on Right To Ride EU – Click Here
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