While Northern Ireland is in the grip of winter at Right To Ride we are looking ahead for next year, concentrating on the roads we ride and the publication of the Department of the Environment’s Road Safety Strategy.
On-line Report Survey!
Using the on-line Report Survey you can to help us to build a picture of the road hazards or faults that motorcyclists face on the roads in Northern Ireland.
The simple science for motorcyclists is that poor road design and maintenance or the thoughtlessness of others depositing diesel or mud on the road can contribute to motorcycle crashes, injuries, and fatalities.
You can also tell us what in your opinion should be done, to affect a repair or to ensure that the Road Hazard or Fault is removed so that it does not create any further danger to motorcyclists.
Or what should have been affected so that the Road Hazard or Fault should not have been a danger to motorcyclists in the first place. You can also send pictures of the Road Hazard or Fault through the on-line form.
More details at – Click Here
Diesel Stickers
The idea is that the sticker provides an advisory warning on vehicles and at petrol stations for drivers, that prevention is better that cure and that drivers, both commercial and private, should remember not to overfill their tanks and to refit the filler cap securely.
Adelaide Insurance Services www.adelaideinsurance.com have agreed to sponsor the stickers and we are waiting for 20,000 stickers to arrive from the printers.
We hope that petrol stations and large fleet operators will come on board. However, riders should seek the owner’s permission to place any stickers. We will list all companies that place stickers on their vehicles, or petrol stations that place the stickers on their pumps or post information for their drivers, staff or members of the public.
We will also have downloadable fliers for drivers’ areas and petrol stations on the website.
In the meantime you can order “Don’t Overfill” stickers – Click Here
Road Safety Strategy
We are waiting for the publication of the Department of the Environment’s Road Safety Strategy which will cover the years 2010 to 2020 and which aims to prepare a new road safety strategy for Northern Ireland.
The consultation, which Right To Ride answered in-depth, sought to improve not only motorcycle safety but safety for all road users. We welcomed the “consideration” of a motorcycling safety strategy for Northern Ireland and the establishment of a Motorcycle Forum which would be an inclusive and strategic approach to motorcycling.
The Motorcycle Forum should have a role in advising policy direction, strategy and dissemination of key road safety messages throughout the motorcycle community.
We can only hope that a motorcycle forum will guide government with sensible, constructive input from riders, offering sound and proven expertise to guarantee the future of motorcycling in Northern Ireland.
Right To Ride’s response to the consultation – Click Here
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