Europe – We are falling a bit short on worthwhile European motorcycle news, so here is something from the European Commission on alcohol interlocks and a new EU driving licence code. Here is what the European Commission have to say.
To improve road safety the European Commission has just introduced a harmonised EU code on alcohol interlock devices for driving licences (Commission Directive (EU) 2015/653 of 24 April 2015 amending Directive 2006/126/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on driving licences).
The new Directive will enter into force EU-wide on 15 May 2015.
This new code “69” (snigger) will replace different national codes in use, for programmes where the driver is restricted to drive vehicles that are only equipped with alcohol interlock devices. Such programmes are planned or in
use in several Member States, notably to prevent drink-driving offences from re-occurring.
A harmonised EU code will facilitate EU-wide understanding of the restriction as well as enable Member States to enforce it. However it is still for the Member States to decide both whether or not to introduce such programmes and how to enforce the restriction.
In addition to this new code, the Commission has adapted the existing harmonised EU driving licence codes to technical and scientific progress, especially in the field of vehicle adaptations and technical support for drivers with disabilities.
European Commission Background Information
An alcohol interlock device is a system installed in the vehicle to prevent a driver impaired by alcohol from operating the vehicle. Introduction of a code on such devices has been requested by Member States and recommended in a study.
Several Member States already have such restricted licences, but currently the codes vary between Member States and cannot be understood nor enforced in other Member States. The main purpose of this new code is to facilitate EU-wide understanding and to make it enforceable EU-wide.
It is important to note that this code is only to be used by the Member States who issue licences with this restriction.
There are a lot of Member States who do not have alcohol interlocks and thus do not issue licences with such restrictions. They can continue to do so.
Right To Ride
Technically an alcohol ignition interlock can be fitted to a motorcycle but if individuals either on motorcycles or other vehicles have reached this stage of “testing” before driving for excess of alcohol on the public roads, then there is a far bigger problem which those individuals need to have socially sorted in their lives.
For the use within “professional” drivers, for example school buses or public transport, although a good test for fitness to drive, again there is a larger social issue of alcohol abuse and in that respect, alcohol interlock can only be a band aid, albeit a useful one to stop and keep drink drivers off our roads.
As far as we are aware, in 200, “legislation passed in the United Kingdom allowed courts to impose alcohol interlocks
on drink-drivers, although this has not yet been followed up by practical implementation”. unless you know different.
Meanwhile while not making light of the issue we are off to titter in the corner as the new code uses the number “69” (snigger) which has another connotation.
We did write that we are falling a bit short on worthwhile European motorcycle news!
Original Source – European Commission – Mobility & Transport – Click Here
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The Directive on Codes – alcohol interlock devices – according to the directive the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with the Directive do not need to brought into force until 1 January 2017 at the latest.
Technical Development And Deployment Of Alcohol Interlocks In Road Safety Policy – pdf – Click Here
Brake – Alcohol Library – website – Click Here