Quay Bikers MCC

qbmcc_patch_250Right To Ride welcomes as a new club supporter the Quay Bikers MCC.

The club was established in December 2014 and is made up of a welcome mix of new and experienced bikers, with some of the current members already actively involved with the local biking scenes for many years.

The Quay Bikers Motor Cycle Club’s purpose is to bring together like minded motorbike riders and other friends and family to engage in social outings such as ride-outs, road trips, charity events, longer touring trips, racing and road racing, social week-ends, and any other events that attracts the membership for whatever reason.

In addition to the above, the Club’s members have been actively participating in the generation of funds for charity and this work will continue. Quay Biker MCC members also look forward to supporting local clubs in their similar activities.

The Club’s primary charities are the Northern Ireland Hospice and local charities and much of our activities centre around the generation of funds for these two.

The Quay Bikers have members both male and female from all areas of the community with a wide range of ages and experience within the club, and we put the enjoyment of biking in its various forms at the forefront of our activities.

At present the club is based in Carrickfergus Rugby Club with meetings every Monday night.

New members who love being involved in club style activities and getting out and meeting folk are always welcome.

The Club has a Facebook page and Facebook advertising page for uploading all the local biking activities.

The web site quaybikersmcc.wix.com/home will be fully operational on the near future.

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