In November 2011 we reported about the new Sainsbury’s supermarket built in Bangor which had a dedicated motorcycle parking bay opposite the front doors of the new store.
The bay, large in size has blockpaving on its surface area which means no sinking sidestands, while the surrounding car park has a “tarmac” surface. The block paving also differentiates the motorcycle parking space from the car parking with its bright orange sign and bordered by a raised concrete kerb.
The front end of the motorcycle parking bay has two bollards which would assist in delineating the parking bay in stopping other vehicle drivers parking in it, however the “entrances” do not have bollards and this allows other vehicle drivers to park in the bay, in order to get a couple of feet nearer to the shop entrance.
There does not appear to be any secure locking points but with the bay close to the entrance, in an open “public area”, with CCTV camera coverage, it is not an area which would be easy pickings for bike thieves.
Back then we gave Sainsbury’s a ten out of ten for providing dedicated motorcycle parking.
But Then – Best Laid Plans
However since then and until last week because the designated parking bay did not have bollards on the two ends of the space, car drivers were able and did on a daily basis park in the middle of the bay.
Riders contacted us and Sainsburys and we contacted Sainsburys.
The message that we all received from Sainsburys was – The car park is owned by a private estate company, Sainsburys have tried to get bollards installed but this has been objected to by the landlords.
There does appear to be an issue for disabled people (and perhaps others) parking in the motorcycle bay because the motorcycle parking is closer to the store than the disabled spaces.
The issue of the bollards is being pushed by the store manager and they are looking towards getting this resolved!
The ongoing problem apart from the disabled spaces issue elicited responses from riders, towards those that do not care whether they where young and fit and carrying cases of beer to the car or just nipping to the cash machine.
Simple Solution For Now
The simple solutions are sometimes the best and a few years later that simple solution was to place heavy duty advertising units at each end the bay – thus leaving room for motorcycles to enter and park in the bay, along with the cycle parking.
Although a temporary solution until the more permanent one could be found – that will be the fitting of bollards.
We think that all round we can say we are happy with that!
Riders Comment
“About time…and look how simple and yet effective!! Only took 4 years”
“My wife and I have been there when a female motorcyclist was verbally abused by a car driver even though he was about to park in that area. Better putting bollards up to keep them out.”
“I saw this recently. A great idea which works!”
“About time. I used to park my bike as physically close to a car parked in those spaces so drivers couldn’t open their doors, I then jotted down reg numbers on my hand just in case anything happened to the my bike.”
“About time!!!”
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