Bigg Life Motorcycle Ride Out – For Peace
What could be more perfect than a motorcycle – a ride out with a purpose – sunshine – barbeque – a band – meeting some old faces who you haven’t seen for an age but who are still surprisingly fresh enough looking.
The ride out was organised as part of the Bigg Life Arts Festival by the Bigg Life Community Arts Centre as part of the United Nations’ (UN) International Peace Day, which recognises that peace and security are essential foundations for social progress and sustainable development and are vital for the full enjoyment of all human rights.
The Bigg Life Community Arts Centre is a non profit charity and was established for the advancement of education and to promote the arts for the benefit of the public in Northern Ireland, without distinction of gender, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic identity, religion or political opinion.
The focus is on education of young people aged 14 and over (especially, but not exclusively, young people deemed “at risk” of coming into contact with the criminal justice system) in all aspects of musical skills, musicianship, and associated arts and crafts and assist them to develop their intellectual and emotional capacities so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and citizens and so that their conditions of life may be improved.
As previously reported on the run up to the ride out, for those of you long enough in the tooth, you may remember the Northern Ireland Peace Rides which were organised well over a decade ago by Uel Irwin and ran for ten years from 1998.
The Northern Ireland Peace Ride was non-political, but was aimed to encourage people to have respect for each other.
Ride organiser Uel Irwin at the time said, “Motorcycling is a great example of how people get on together. All through the years, we’ve had great co-operation in the north and in the south – People from all parts.”
Adding that, “We’re not really politically motivated but we are making a statement that we do get on well together, so why don’t others.”
There we were at North Street in Belfast with our sun glasses on, as a variety of bikes of all styles, at least one trike, riders of all shapes and sizes, around fifty in all, set of to the The Goat’s Toe in Bangor.
The barbeque on the The Goat’s Toe roof top beer garden, with a converted caravan in situ as a “feature” the addition of some of those old faces and some younger ones, was a relaxing end to the ride, especially with the sun shining down.
I missed the ride back and the screening of the “Why We Ride” video (which is an insight into the motorcycle culture) back at the Bigg Life Community Arts Centre but you can only take so much of a good day!
Although I usually take loads of pictures – some you can see below – this time I was too busy chatting and nattering, there are pictures taken by others up on the Bigg Life Community Arts Centre Facebook page and the organisors Facebook page along with some videos – Click Here
However I do like this short but “arty” one from Marc Chambers below.
Trevor Baird – Right To Ride
Big Life Arts World Peace Day Ride Out – Marc Chambers
Links & Inforation
Bigg Life Community Arts Centre – On Facebook and our apologies we missed Right To Ride Supporters Events – Strand Bikers MCC – The Philip Kennedy Rideout from Downpatrick which raised £1124 and Lizzie Drakes MCC – Annual Jimmy Donaghy Memorial Poker Run from Lisburn.
Bigg Life Motorcycle Ride Out – For Peace
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