BikeSafe Ballymena

psnibikeThe Biker NI Safety Card will be along to the PSNI Bikesafe event at Ballymena Honda this Saturday 23rd August 2014.

BikeSafe, who funded the “Crash Card” this year have been handing the cards out to riders, however their stocks are running low, so we will be at the event with an extra pile of the free cards!

The card is placed inside your helmet as a medical alert, details which you the rider have written on the card, provides vital information for attending ambulance crews or emergency responders if the motorcyclist is injured in a road traffic collision or unable to talk coherently because of concussion or having been knocked out.

To let those attending the scene of a collision know about this vital information the rider places a sticker on the outside of the helmet, on the right hand side (NOT on the visor or other attachments), indicating that a rider or pillion is carrying a safety card inside the lining of their helmet.

Bikesafe Assessments

Bikesafe assessments are also FREE and are conducted solely by PSNI Advanced Traffic Branch motorcyclists.

The assessment consists mainly of one to one riding with a police motorcyclist.

By passing on their knowledge, skills and experience, police motorcyclists can advise you on how to become a safer, more competent rider and help you avoid some of the most common causes of accident and death. They can also help you to increase your ability and confidence, so you can get even more enjoyment from riding your motorcycle.

The rider assessments start from 9.30am and the last assessments are at approx 2pm and last for around one hour.

BikeSafe say,Just turn up with your machine and your driving licence (both parts) and in return for about an hour of your time you will receive vitally important road safety messages that one day might just save your life !

If your reading this having never progressed your riding and thinking, I don’t really need to do this then in reality your the person we hope to see on Saturday morning.”

Taking The Bikesafe Ride – Ride It Right – Click Here

Book a BikeSafe assessment on the BikeSafe website – Click Here

Ballymena Honda –

The Biker NI Safety Card is supported by the major agencies and others involved in keeping us safe on the road: PSNI Bikesafe – Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS) – Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS).

Find out how to get a card – Click Here

Keep the Speed on the Track – Leave the Racing to the Racers!!!

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