On Wednesday 10th July 2013 Roads Minister Danny Kennedy launched a public consultation on proposals to amend Road Racing legislation in Northern Ireland – The Public Consultation is open until 7 October 2013.
While the Department for Regional Development has no responsibility for sporting policy or funding, it does facilitates road racing events by making road closing orders.
Following the cancellation due to severe weather conditions of this year’s Saturday Programme at the ‘International North West 200’ motor cycling race event, the second cancellation in three consecutive years, the Minister pledged to explore measures that would provide all road race event organisers with greater flexibility around road closures.
Danny Kennedy said: “Every year tens of thousands of people attend car and motor cycle road racing events across Northern Ireland. Motor sport significantly benefits our economy particularly in terms of tourism and support for local businesses.
“This is a cross-departmental issue and I have consulted with my Executive colleagues with responsibility in these areas and I welcome their support for the changes I am proposing.
“I have also taken the views of the ‘2 and 4 Wheel Motorsport Steering Group’ and other stakeholders into consideration in developing what I consider to be a realistic and balanced solution to the problems that our predictably unpredictable weather creates.
“It is entirely realistic that the new arrangements could be in place early next year in time for the 2014 Motor Sport season.”
The proposed change to the current road race legislation would mean that race promoters could, with the Department’s approval, bring forward or defer a race day or practice session where it is anticipated that bad weather might result in their cancellation.
The Minister continued: “There now exists a real opportunity for everyone to have their say about how we help address the impact that severe weather has on motor sport events on roads in Northern Ireland.
“I would encourage everyone to take a few minutes to read the public consultation document and express their views on this important issue.”
The Public Consultation is open until 7 October 2013 and can be found on the DRD website
The consultation documents are available in an accessible format such as Braille, audio format/ CD, minority ethnic language etc on request to RMPB@drdni.gov.uk or J G Anketell, Department for Regional Development, Transport Policy, Strategy and Legislation Division, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT2 8GB. Phone: 028 9054 0525
Original Source – Department for Regional Development – Click Here
Northern Ireland Road Racing needs flexible road closures now
Facebook page dedicated to road racing fans, that are sick of the politics involved in trying to give International Road Races more flexible road closing orders.
It generates Tourism, The Economy, and community relations.
Click HereLeave Comments over on the consultation page – Click Here
International North West 200 – Public Consultation on Flexible Road Closing for Road Races in Northern Ireland
Latest – 20th September 2013
As you may know following the abandonment of racing at this year’s International North West 200, the Northern Ireland Government has opened a public consultation to amend the Bill for Road Races (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 to provide race organisers with flexibility to introduce contingency arrangements where racing or practice may be affected by bad weather.
If passed, this would give the NW200 the flexibility to move a practice and race days either one day forward or one day back with 48 hours notice.
This flexibility is the best contingency we can get to avoid racing being cancelled.
We do however need your help to take part in the consultation and contact the Department for Regional Development (DRD) to voice your support for the changes to the legislation.
We would ask that you request 24 hours notice instead of 48 hours suggested by the Department for Regional Development (DRD).
It’s fairly easy to take part, you can either write to DRD at, Clarence Court , 10-18 Adelaide Street , Belfast , BT2 8GB; or email cmb@drdni.gov.uk or telephone 028 9054 0540.
Full details of the consultation can be found on the DRD website at http://www.drdni.gov.uk/index/publications/publications-details.htm?docid=9008
The consultation closes on the 7th October 2013 and we would greatly appreciate your support.
Many thanks,
Mervyn Whyte MBE
Event Director
International North West 200