Up Close – First Aid For Riders

firstaid170313pic4At the latest First Aid For Riders course, delivered by St John Ambulance (NI), riders got up close in helmet removal.

The course was again conducted by St John Ambulance trainer Alan Irwin, who took the riders attending through the course details from rendering “general” First Aid to casualty management and helmet removal.

Riders attending the course were made up of individual riders and club members from the Keel Wheelers MCC and the Top Dead Centre MCC.

Once again the course provided interactive discussion on specific issues surrounding helmet removal and standing out from this course, was the need to get down and up close to an injured rider.

With communication to a conscious injured rider and between those removing a full face helmet from a casualty who has difficulty in breathing, is not breathing or is vomiting being vital.

With the importance that two people are required to remove a full-face helmet safely emphasised and that it may be only a simple necessity to open a blocked airway, rather than helmet removal, to ensure the casualty is breathing.

Thanks to everyone for making the day a success!

If you are interested in attending a First Aid For Riders course please fill in the initial booking form – Click Here


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