There are a multitude of motorcycle events organised in Northern Ireland from rallies, runs, shows, charity events, track days, race events and much more.
There are various lists of these events advertised on motorcycle websites, including our supporting clubs websites most of whom run their own events.
We would encourage you to support their events.
Head to the Event calendar where you can also view these and other events – Click Here
You can head over to the event album page – for pictures of events we headed to – Click Here
Our Club Supporters websites usually have loads of pictures up – Click Here
You can submit your event – Click Here
17th Tombstone Rally – Friday 31st August & Saturday 1st September 2012
Boothill MCC – 17th Tombstone Rally
Halfway House
Bands – Friday – 68 Chargers
Saturday – DNA & Sweetleaf
Camping – Trophies
More Info
On Facebook
Childrens MRI Scanner Appeal Rideout – Sunday 2nd September 2012
N.I. Bikers & Trikers Riding For Charity Childrens MRI Scanner Appeal Rideout
Sunday 2nd September 2012
Leaving Jamison’s Garage, Rear Carpark , Saintfield Road
Carryduff @ 12 Noon
The ride out will include a short ferry trip £3.50 per bike and rider £1 per pillion
The finishing point for this rideout will be “The Ranch” Princes Street , Dromore
Were there will be a raffle and some great food on the go , and a bit of craic as always
The rideout is Learner friendly
£5 per person
On Facebook
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