First Aid – Last Chance!

This weekend’s First Aid For Riders full day course – delivered by the St John Ambulance (NI) in Northern Ireland – may be the last chance for riders to participate in one of these courses.

The course takes place on Saturday 7th July 2012 at the St John Ambulance, Belfast, Knockbracken, Healthcare Park, Saintfield Road – just outside Belfast. At a cost of £63, it offers delegates the skill and confidence required to be able to care for a casualty until the arrival of the emergency medical services.

For each individual course to run, we need 12 minimum/maximum persons to participate. The 12 minimum participants make the courses financially viable and 12 maximum for Health & Safety regulations and to give delegates the best value.

However apart from the two courses run for the Quay Vipers MCC and the Top Dead Centre MCC, previous courses have not been filled to the maximum but were subsidized so that individual riders and club members, for example from the Downriders MCC and Christian Motorcyclists Association could benefit from these courses.

This weekend’s course was organised based on a promise from a motorcycle club to supply the majority of participants. Unfortunately this club has failed to provide any participants at all, which means that there will be a shortfall in the minimum/maximum number required for the course.

Thus the financial viability to run the course in its present format, or any format in the future will most probably be the last chance to take part in a First Aid for Riders course.

We have mentioned recently that members of the Top Dead Centre MCC, who took part in one of the first courses, had to put into practice, First Aid, managing traffic and controlling a very difficult situation on a recent trip to Scotland.

NOT-ONE person had a phone signal

To reiterate what you will learn on the course Top Dead Centre MCC relate a bit of the story:

“As we came around a corner and found we found our own “Captain Slow” a.k.a. Scully was lying on the grass verge and was unconscious.

Tania and Maxine jumped into gear and did the casualty management bit while I was away calling the Nee nahs!

I had to ride (quickly but safely ahem ) about 2 miles to get to a clear area where there was phone signal, (funny now but not then was 20 bikers and their girls all roaming around aimlessly with their phones in front of them all looking for phone signal in a forested bit of road where NOT-ONE person had a phone signal across all the networks)

Anyway I did the 999 bit gave them the location, waited for confirmation that they needed nothing else and rode back and started the road management as there were bikes and angry motorcyclists all over the place.”

So if you have this Saturday free and can afford the £63 fee there are plenty of spaces available for the course.

As St John Ambulance (NI) point out “the course that we are running in association with the First Aid for Riders Scheme will give delegates the skill and confidence required to be able to care for a casualty until the arrival of the emergency medical services.

By attending one of these courses delegates could be making the difference between a life lost and a life saved. You can’t afford not to take part!”

Book the course Saturday 17th July 2012 – Click Here


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