First Aid – Book On

You can now book for the latest First Aid For Riders course delivered by the St John Ambulance (NI) in Northern Ireland.

The latest course will take place on Saturday 7th July 2012 at the St John Ambulance Belfast Knockbracken Healthcare Park – Saintfield Road – just outside Belfast.

St John Ambulance say, “The course that we are running in association with the First Aid for Riders Scheme will give delegates the skill and confidence required to be able to care for a casualty until the arrival of the emergency medical services.

By attending one of these courses delegates could be making the difference between a life lost and a life saved.

You can’t afford not to take part!”

The course, which is a full day, will consist of training regarding:

Bone, muscle and joint injuries;
Casualty movement;
Communication and casualty care;
Emergencies in public;
Head injury;
Primary survey;
Resuscitation (adult);
Removal of a crash helmet;
Unconscious casualty.

As if to prove a point of the usefulness of the First Aid For Riders course, members of the Top Dead Centre MCC, who took part in one of the first courses, had to put into practice, First Aid, managing traffic and controlling a very difficult situation on a recent trip to Scotland.

Thankfully the rider, through no fault of their own, ended up being airlifted by an Air Ambulance, was discharged as “walking wounded” and the bike escaped with light visible damage!
At First Aid For Riders you don’t have to prove any points after doing the St John Ambulance (NI) course but as the saying goes, “Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it”.
So join us on a First Aid For Riders course on the 7th June – full details of course cost and booking – Click Here

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