PTI – FEMA Petition

Transport Commissioner acknowledges rider’s petition

FEMA (Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations) reports that riders at FEMA received an early Christmas present last year, from the hands of none other than Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Transport Siim Kallas.

In an official letter, Mr. Kallas thanked FEMA for handing over 110,000 signatures of concerned riders opposing mandatory periodical technical inspections for motorcycles.

With this correspondence the Commission acknowledges the handover that occured on October 14th in Brussels, when representatives of FEMA delivered batches of petitions at its head offices in the Berlaymont building – Read the article – Click Here

The petition campaign started in reaction to a public consultation held online from July to September 2010, where the European Commission asked citizens for their opinion on the extension of mandatory inspections to motorcycles. In countries where inspections are not mandatory for motorcycles riders immediately called their associations to react.

Mr. Kallas confirmed that his staff is still working on the revision of roadworthiness testing legislation.

Mandatory yearly inspections for all two-wheelers could be a possibility at this stage, even though nothing has leaked about the Commission’s intentions as of yet.

The Commissioner also vowed to come back to FEMA to discuss the issue once a project is on the table. It’s wait and see until then.

Read the Commissioner’s letter to FEMA President Gerard Livett – Click Here

Original Source: Click Here

Read about Periodic Technical Inspections – PTI on Right To Ride EU – Click Here


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