Ride It Right has launched – “See Us – Get It Right” – an advisory and warning leaflet for other vehicle drivers.
The leaflet asks other vehicle drivers to – Just Think! – See Us and Get It Right! – at:
- Junctions
- When Turning Right
- When Emerging Onto Main Roads
- When Overtaking
- When Changing Lanes
The collision facts speak for themselves, as the top three causes for all KSI (Killed Seriously Injured) motorcycle collisions (irrespective of responsibility) were*:
- Emerging from a minor road without care; excessive speed having regard to conditions; and turning right without care.
- More than two-thirds (65%) of collisions happened ‘at or within 20 meters of a junction’.
- Of those collisions occurring at T-junctions, more than 45% occurred at a T-junction with give way signs or markings, followed by 36% at ‘uncontrolled’ junctions, and almost 13% at junctions with a stop sign.
- Half of all motorcyclist casualties are caused by other drivers.
Ride It Right’s message for other vehicle drivers is to, “Use your head – Not just your eyes!”, Ride It Right’s, Trevor Baird says, “With a little thought other vehicle drivers can get it right and see us, motorcyclists should be a first thought, not just a second thought!”
The Ride It Right leaflet and website also has some advice for other vehicle drivers: Please take time at junctions – whether turning out of or turning into a junction – or a petrol station – or your own driveway, the last thing a motorcyclist wants to hear is, I didn’t see him/her or, are you all right!
*Motorcycle casualties in NI Statistical Analysis, Causes and Influencing Factors – pdf 4mb – published in December 2009.
View the leaflet on the Ride It Right website – Click Here
If you require any leaflets for handing out to “non motorcyclists”, then drop an email to Ride It Right.
Click Here – Please give your name, postal address, to deliver the leaflets to and how many you require.
For All Road Users!
Obviously trying to make drivers THINK BIKE is a good thing but is making them identify with the bike rider as an actual person (as per the current TV ads) the best way?
I think perception, especially towards peripheral vision, is all about threat. A car driver, at a subconscious level, does not see the bike as a threat to them.
If we had a media campaign which shows motorists what happens to them and their car when ~250kg of rider and machine hits the driver’s door at say 50mph they really might start to look for bikes when pulling out.
We’re currently saying “don’t pull out in front of bikers, you might kill them”. What if we said “don’t pull out in front of bikers, they might kill you”
Might finally sink home.
Thanks Iain and “spinning” this around as you say might make this finally sink.

When reprinting the leaflet I will look at putting this in.
In the meantime, although no explanation of the accident, speed or injuries involved this picture perhaps says it.