Horny Hogs MCC – Support – Right To Ride

Right To Ride welcomes on board a new supporter’s club – Horny Hogs MCC.

The Horny Hogs MCC has a hardcore of members that meets regularly to go for runs.

The Horny Hogs MCC’s next decent run is on 21st August to Donegal for an overnighter, then on the 27th August to Wales for a three day bike meet.

Don’t let the club name confuse you, as the club and its members are a mix of machines and riding capabilities.

The club welcomes everyone and anyone to join them for a spin, should it be along the Antrim Coast or further afield.

The club is in the process of setting up a website, so in the meantime you can contact them via email Click Here

Right To Ride wishes the club all the best for the future, wherever their riding takes them!

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