Fallen Heroes MCC – Supports – Right To Ride

Right To Ride welcomes on board new club supporters – Fallen Heroes MCC.

Fallen Heroes MCC was formed in October 2009 by a few mates from County Down in Northern Ireland, all with a common interest, Motorcycle Road Racing!

The club is dedicated to the enjoyment and freedom provided by the sport we call Motorcycling, to the racers and normal people who have devoted so much to the sport, to the memory of the many riders who have paid the ultimate price for the sport we love and to the mates who have fallen over the years.

Right To Ride wishes the Fallen Heroes MCC all the success for the future.

Look them up on their website at www.fallenheroesmcc.com for information and contacts details for the club, which currently meets in McBrides Bar in Comber Square.

New Members Welcome!!!!


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