Right To Ride got in the Christmas spirit today.
The company “side” car transported Santa to visit 470 excited children – and – the equally excited staff of Elmgrove Primary School in Belfast!
Although wrapped up warm, Santa’s (not so) little helper chauffeured Santa, with his nose glowing as red and bright as Rudolf’s, shiny honker!
With Santa ringing his bell and the children singing jingle bells, the three wheel makeshift sleigh paraded for a few laps around the playground before dropping Santa off, so he could made his way to the Christmas grotto.
The children told Santa, that they thought he was very cool to arrive in a motorcycle sidecar!
Nichola Wilson from the Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.) said, “ A big thank you to Trevor for delivering Santa safely to his Grotto at Elmgrove Primary School.”
“The Children thought it was super and I think Santa enjoyed it too.”
“Thanks again Trevor.”
“Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all at Write to Ride from everyone at Elmgrove Primary School.”
And a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year to all from Right To Ride.
Trevor and Elaine
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